History of MAX SYSTEME GmbH

  • founded in February 1992 as GbR
  • Cooperation with consultant customers
  • Development of ERP Software MAX
  • Start of building a dealer network in 1993
  • Change of legal form to GmbH in May 1994
  • Development of KUP sales software
  • Move to our own house in Freital as company headquarters
  • MAX SYSTEME dealer in Europe
  • since April 1995: Development of the ERP and PPS software MAXiMUS and MAX for recruiters
  • 1996/1997: Participation in Cebit
  • March 1997: Market launch of the 32BIT version of MAXiMUS
  • August 1998: Start of ESDO service for ivdl. Adaptation of MAXiMUS 32 and
  • since May 1999: Development of the largest internet culture portal for Central Europe Culturall.info

From the year 2000

  • since 2000: Creation of dynamic internet presences and shop solutions
  • since 2001: Internet portal solutions
  • from 2004: Development of KUP as CRM software
  • from 2007: integrated solutions for production data collection using barcodes
  • Release of MAXiMUS4 in May 2009, so that the installation of the ERP software on 64bit systems is also possible
  • since 2009: MAX SYSTEME GmbH offers a comprehensive solution for production data capture (BDE) using barcodes (bar code) and integration of employee time recording via terminal (from most commercially available manufacturers)
  • March 2010: Move back to Dresden into our own company building with 380 m² of space
  • since July 2010: first installations of the new document management software and workflow support in the ERP software integrated directly into MAXiMUS
  • Telephony software (CTI) for the sales software and CRM software KUP as a server-based solution (third-party CTI)
  • Autumn 2012: MAX SYSTEME GmbH is a practical partner company for studying business informatics at the Saxony Vocational Academy
  • December 2012: Software for email archiving and remote data backup
  • 2013: Development of the internal editorial system iNTRALL as a company-owned social network
  • 2013: Expansion of the ground floor and extension
  • 2015: Apps for KUP+MAXiMUS under Android and iOS
  • 2016: KUP CRM for real estate agents
  • 2018: Seal of quality from the Saxony State Vocational Academy as a recognized practice partner

Recent development

  • 2019: consistent integration of web shop, Amazon, eBay and parcel services in MAXiMUS
  • 2019: The first customer for our iDataBus for data transmission with data integration for data exchange of structured data is the Federal Office for Materials Research (BAM)
  • 2020: the MAXiApp can record time: Our mobile app for cell phones and tablets with the new function for mobile time recording was delivered to a first customer in Saxony. The data can be collected mobile from anywhere and is still stored locally and without a cloud under 100% control of the customer (hybrid technology). The data is immediately available in the ERP software MAXiMUS for further processing and evaluation.
  • 2021: Our new KUP App CRM software for mobile devices such as cell phones or tablets is ready. The Kup app combines the best of both worlds: your data is stored locally on your computer and you can still access it worldwide! How it works? With the hybrid technology specially developed by MAX SYSTEME GmbH.
  • 2024: MAXiMUS can do e-invoicing. And in compliance with DIN EN 16931, which means that with MAXiMUS you already fulfil the legal obligation from 2025. You can use MAXiMUS to create X-Rechnung primarily for public authorities and other government clients. And this includes the latest requirements of the ZUGFeRD 2.3 standard for creating an invoice in XML format. We are also compatible with the Factur X format from the French and Benelux regions.